ABOUT Index Linking Policy Against inflation

You can index link your policy and premiums from the outset to the Retail Price Index to protect the sum assured against losing its value to inflation. For example, if you arrange a policy for £150,000 for 30years and there’s need to make a claim in 25yrs, the sum assured will not hold the same value as it was when the policy was taken out. But when you index link the policy, the sum assured grows in line with inflation and so does your premiums.
Why choose this type of assurance?
- If you are a homeowner with a mortgage and financial dependants, Level Term Assurance should be considered as your minimum requirement for protecting your mortgage and family. The sum assured is fixed and the monthly premiums will not change through the term of the policy unless you opt to index link your premiums.
- We are qualified and trained to all aspects of Life Assurance. We will carefully review your personal circumstances now and your aspirations for the future.
- If you live in Manchester, we are happy to sit over the table with you and recommend the best options for you with regards to Level Term Assurance and we can do over the phone if you are anywhere in the United Kingdom.